SUNN Bass Amps
When you think about Bass amps the first word that comes to mind for most tube amp lovers is Ampeg but a close second has to be SUNN! As a collector and user of vintage SUNN amps Bob will tell you that there is really nothing quite like them. Maybe Keith Moon said it best? Most seasoned bass players have either played or heard plenty about the vintage SUNN amps and in the ET studio Bob still uses them. Pictured on the left is probably the most widely known which is a 200S which uses a pair of JBL 15’s or the 2000S pictured on the bench in the middle getting new glass. There are several in the studio. Pictured on the right is a SUNN Magna cab. These are extremely rare and as you can see in the photo they are loaded with four 15” speakers and this one is actually loaded with four JBL D140F speakers. The Magna cab’s don’t pencil out because there is not really enough cabinet volume for this many speakers, but don’t tell the cabinet that! Even though it shouldn’t work, it does, and powered with a vintage SUNN Model T or an SVT it shakes everything including your pant legs! Fender bought the SUNN name and "reissued" them but they were nothing even close to the originals. The best reissue in our opinion was the SUNN 300T Bass amp which again is nothing like any original SUNN amp ever made but the 300T which is now available as the Fender 300 Pro is an outstanding Bass amp. These amps pack the punch of a SUNN 2000S or an SVT and their sound hides somewhere between these legendary amps! You can see some of Bob’s SUNN collection here on the SUNN Amp Page. You can now find Retube Kits for the SUNN 300T in the online store. Although we do have kits for the old vintage SUNN Bass amps like the 200S and 2000S these use a tube that is only available as NOS so please email or call us to make sure we have stock available. None of our NOS tubes are available online.
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